Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kubert School

The summer of 2012, I went to Kubert School's summer camp. Ironically, it wasn't till I turned 23 years of age before I went to my first summer camp. Poking fun at myself aside I did do work while I was away on my little artist vacation. The first week was Pencilling and Inking below are two of the pieces I worked on that week. 
To the left is an original piece for two characters I created, Muse and Cody Hawkins. On the right, I inked over an Andy Kubert pencil copy from Batman and Son. 

Second week was focused on coloring, which I loved. Especially since I found a great new medium that I will have many future projects done in, Gouache. 
Left, I hope I captured the actors likeness enough I don't have to say who it is, this piece was in colored pencil. Colored pencil has always been a challenging medium for myself, I have fun but I don't consider myself skilled. On the right is my favorite panel in all of comics, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold confessing to stealing J'onn's cookies. 

The third week I don't seem to have any finished work, I will upload scans from my sketch book later on. The fourth week  I sadly only have one finished piece and looking over it a second time I'm not happy with it. 

From left to right is page one of issue one of the Muse, the first is my pencils, seconded my inking and last a bit of coloring fun.  I don't have much more to say; I didn't want to leave an orphan at the end of the page. It's a graphic design thing. 

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